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6 Mental Health Blog posts

peer support

Transforming lives: Make a difference through Peer Support Work

This article highlights the life-changing potential of peer support work and explains how you can make a meaningful impact while advocating for mental health awareness.
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Talking therapy

Careers in Mental Health: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

By the end of this guide, you'll have the information to help you effectively navigate your training and career in CBT.
Career Resources
9 core counselling skills

9 Core Counselling Skills: Essential for all Mental Health Professionals

When training in talk therapy, there are nine distinct skills that aspiring counsellors and therapists must understand, develop, and practice diligently.
News & Articles

8 career tips for mental health professionals

Are you thinking about a career in mental health? It's not just about gaining qualifications; developing skills and finding the right professional support can make a huge difference to the success of your career.
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Find Professional Associations (A - Z)

A professional association (also called a professional body, professional organisation, or professional society) is a group that usually seeks to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals and organisations engaged in that profession, and protecting the public interest.
Career Resources

Mental Health Professions: What are the regulations?

The Professional Standards Authority accredits registers for mental health professionals in the UK. This includes registers for counsellors, psychotherapists, and other mental health professionals in the UIK.
Career Resources
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